positive outcome :D.
Thursday, April 8, 2010

This post. I swear, is gonna be a gargantuan quantity of words. I have innumerable things to SHARE. Yes, SHARE, oh yeah.
Firstly, I fared a sufficing significant FORTY EIGHT(48, kay, 48) out of 60, FOR MY E-MATH. I mean like, hello, personal record ! Very very very contented with my effing marks ! THANK GOD. Lesson learn, WITH EFFORTS COME FRUITFUL SUCCESS. Heh hehhh :D I just, hope, I'll ace my Math for Mids. Seriously, it's, well, more of hoping for the sky to fall. Yet again, I'll try ! If only I'm able to set constitutions for our academics... Mkay, crap. In generic terms, I JUST WANT LIBERTY FROM ALL THIS.
Secondly, I LOVE DANCE. Dance practice yesterday was aite, much better than any other dance practices we've had. Total disparate from the rest.
Thirdly, this sec2 guy who is brazenly tryna' hit on a s3 lady, is, antagonizing my nerves. Ever since Sports Day, lower sec dicks&chicks are tryna' get in da' hood. They are like, sooooo inquisitive on Krumpin', Crip Walkin', WHATEVER. Piece of @*^&%#!
Lastly, whenever I gaze at your countenance, ferocity just overwhelms me. I feel like, plunging into your face&give you a taste of my most coaaaaaaaaarse bitch-tude ! Wait, this post isn't even loooooooooooong. Well, till here then.
